P31 Women's Ministry

Upcoming Event

Each month the P31 Women's Ministry will come together at the church for a meal and conversation.  We ask each person attending to bring a dish to share!

Bible Study

We invite ladies to join us in reading the current book "Forgiving What You Can't Forget" and then connect on certain Saturday mornings to discuss the book!

Operation Christmas Child
Shoebox Packing

Throughout the year we purchase and gather items to pack in Shoeboxes to send all over the world.

Women's Bible Study

Every Wednesday at 1:00 pm @ Discover Church.

Secret Sisters

We bless other ladies in the church throughout the year
with small gifts and cards.  For more information,
email: pam@discoverchurch.life

About Us

Get to know more about P31 Women's ministry.

Proverbs 31:25 - She is clothed with strength and dignity;   We have a very active women's ministry at Discover Church and invite you to join us at one of our many events to meet new friends.  For more information, contact Pam Walton: pamwalton68@gmail.com